Intuitive UI & How It Can Help Improve UX

Angela Huang
5 min readSep 28, 2022


Photo by Headway on Unsplash
Photo by Headway on Unsplash

When designing a product, you need to ensure it’s intuitive. If it is not intuitive, your users will have more difficulty finding what they want when they access your website or start using your product. This type of design is expected by users and isn’t optional anymore. If your product isn’t intuitive, users will find a different outcome.

If you don’t have any experience with intuitive UI (user interface), then we are here to help. This article will tell you what you need to know about intuitive design and how it can help improve your product’s UX.

What Are Intuitive User Interfaces?

A user interface is intuitive if the product users can understand how to use it quickly and don’t need to be taught how to use it. Users should be able to look at the product and then identify what they need to do if they want to access a specific type of content or a particular feature.

An intuitive interface example would be finding a search bar and knowing that clicking on it will let the user type what they want and search for it. The user will learn to do this without being told they need to. The search bar would need to be easy to find and look like a search bar that people see on other products by having the same characteristics, such as the correct icon.

If the UI of your product isn’t intuitive, then the users will be distracted trying to figure out how to use the product and do what they want instead of using the product and engaging with it. If you haven’t already checked, look through your website and identify any areas that could be improved with intuitive user interface. If you need help finding these areas, you can hire UI UX design firms with experience doing this and improving product designs.

Photo by Budka Damdinsuren on Unsplash

Be Consistent With The Design

If your product’s design isn’t consistent, users will have difficulty familiarising themselves with the product. This can cause frustration, and users might stop using the website if the design is inconsistent throughout its different pages. Users expect consistency, and you need to give it to them. This is the standard that has been set, and if you break away from it, whether that’s on purpose or not, it can cause users to stop using your product.

If you need help making your product’s design consistent, you can hire a UI UX design firm to look through the website and find areas that need to be changed. You need to have a specific look that you want to show users, and then keep using that. This will help with your branding and brand recognition.

Creating a style guide will help you stay consistent once you have made changes to the design of your product. You can then follow the style guide whenever you need to make changes.

You Don’t Need To Reinvent Patterns

If you don’t need to change anything about the design of your product, then don’t. When users are familiar with a particular design, you shouldn’t change that without a good reason. If you don’t have a good reason to make the change, you shouldn’t change anything.

Making this type of change causes confusion which is not necessary. It will ruin the user experience of the people interacting with your product. People are used to patterns they see online daily; you need to use those same patterns in your design. If you want an intuitive interfaces design, don’t reinvent patterns if you don’t need to.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

If you want to try a different type of design and don’t have any experience making these kinds of changes, then hire UX design agencies to help you make the right changes to the correct elements. The experts will use their knowledge to ensure the transition isn’t hard to use.

Least Amount Of Actions

Users want to complete their goals when they use a product quickly. You need to ensure they can achieve what they want in the least amount of possible actions. If certain types of information are not necessary for users to enter, then remove the requirement for that information. Doing this will make the user experience better.

Whatever isn’t needed should be removed. Get rid of the clutter on your website and reduce the steps a user needs to complete to achieve goals like creating an account or filling in a form.

You don’t want to remove the wrong elements. Be careful when doing this, and if you need more help, then find UX design agencies that can help you do this correctly without making mistakes that will ruin your people’s user experience.

Faster Loading

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash
Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

People don’t like waiting for websites to load. Users will leave and find another website if it takes more than a few seconds. It would help if you sped up the loading time of your product. If you can’t do this, you can add a loading bar to show users that their input was sent and they need to wait. Giving people this information will make them more likely to wait for the website to load. They might think the website was unresponsive if this loading bar wasn’t there.

Optimizing a website can be done by optimizing its content and other methods. If you don’t know where to start, look for a UI UX designer to help you make the right changes to your website.

Good luck!

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